Sandra is professionally known for a very popular form of short narrative tales in her writing of the book, The House on Mango Street (1983). The story of an adolescent coming of age, these stories offer a snapshot into a young womans role in society. As described by her daughter in a short summary of her hispanic pieces of literature..."these are short stories of a catholic girl punished who reflectes on wax paper and the laundry mat."
- She said "I'm a poet, I just write this naively." However her collection of poetry is quite modest.
She also wrote other major works such as Bad Boys, Caramelo, Hairs or Pelitos, Loose Women, My Wicked Wicked Ways, and Vintage Cisneros.
Cisneros' whole identity is formed by herby her neighborhood, her struggles as a writer, and a feminist who shows control.
I don't know to much abot this author but from looking at this festive blog I want to know more about her work and read some of her books to learn more about her style, so this blog has open my eyes to new author that I want to know more about.